How to Grow Radishes

Radishes are ideal for novice veg growers, they are quick to grow, will tolerate most soil types and need very little care once established.

Some varieties can be picked around a month after sowing!

Radishes are ideal for novice veg growers, they are quick to grow, will tolerate most soil types and need very little care once established. Some varieties can be picked around a month after sowing!

Grow in a sunny spot (not too sunny as they will quickly run to seed) and dig over the soil a month or so before planting. You don’t need to add manure to the soil but you do need to remove as many stones as possible and create a fine ‘tilth’ on which to sow. Make sure the soil is moist prior to sowing.

Sow about 1 to 1 ½cm deep in a straight channel (drill), cover with soil and firm down. If you are growing several rows, allow 15cm between each one. After about 2 weeks the seedlings will need thinning to allow them room to grow. Remove the smaller weaker plants and allow about 2.5cm between each one that is left.

They are ready to pick when about 2cm in diameter which should be about a month after sowing. Don’t forget to water regularly, remove weeds and protect from birds and slugs. It’s a good idea to sow a second row every couple of weeks to give you a good supply over the summer.

Ready to plant your own vegetables now you know how to grow radishes? Take a look at our vegetable seed collection.