Terraced Garden

Here at Gardening Direct, we believe that any garden can be transformed into a beautiful oasis- whether it’s flat, sloping, large or small. Your sloped garden may seem frustrating at the moment, but don’t be discouraged- creating space in a sloping garden is not impossible!

Firstly, you may need to change the structure of your garden. Introducing levels is the best way to get the most out of a sloping garden. To avoid landslides, terrace your garden and add retaining walls. This can be expensive, but a brilliant way to get your design started. Choose whatever material you like- red brick, granite, metal, condensed soil – or a mix of them all.

Try and make the levels work individually and together. The best thing about levels is that you can include a wide range of features in one garden space. This is an opportunity to create something unique, but harmonious at the same time. Decide what you want to include on each individual level, do you want a garden shed, seating area or pond?

Just make sure you plan before you start. Plant according to each level without jumping from style to style.

A limited colour scheme may be the best idea because it will help the levels should flow from top to bottom.

Colours help the eye move easily from one level to another and stop your garden from becoming overly busy.

Shady plants are probably necessary on the lower level, so why not try our Shady Border Collection. Make the most of the sunniest areas – usually at the top of your terraced garden. Climbing plants are a brilliant way to blend levels- let Ivy, Virginia Creeper and Climbing Roses hide those retaining walls.

Containers for plants, fruit or vegetables are a brilliant way to create a sloping display – try growing Blueberries, Blackberries and Gooseberries. Or fill your patio with brightly coloured pots and even brighter flowers! Our autumn bedding is perfect for brightening up any patio, try planting Polyanthus, Primroses or Wallflowers.