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Cancelling an Order

Please call 0333 210 0480 to cancel your order. Do not refuse items at the door.

If you wish to cancel your order, please call our Customer Service team ASAP on 0333 210 0480. Note, once your order has been sent to our packhouse team for picking, packing and dispatch, we will not be able to cancel it prior to dispatch.

If your order has already been processed for dispatch, or you have received it and it is no longer required, please Contact Us for our returns address. A refund for the returned items will be issued only on safe receipt of the goods. Please note, we do not offer a free returns service and the means of returning items should be arranged by you. Under no circumstances should you send items back with the courier or refuse delivery, as we cannot guarantee to receive items back – in which case your request for a refund may be denied.

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