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Jumbo Plug Plants

Annual Plug plants are an excellent way to fill your garden with colour. They are a fantastic way to buy annuals, or bedding plants, plants that typically just last for one season before dying-off and needing replacing. Value for money when buying bedding plants is therefore really important.

Jumbo plants measure approximately 10-20cm in height from the root of the plant to the top of the stem. Jumbo plants are sold in trays in 12 and 24.

Plug plants are small plants that require a little bit of care before you plant them in the garden. Annual plant plugs need to be grown on in a greenhouse for a couple of months until they have reached a good size and for spring bedding plants, until the risk of frost has passed. When

When they are ready, they should be hardened off gradually before introducing them to outdoor conditions.

If you haven't got a greenhouse, don't worry because you can still enjoy growing annual plant plugs - buy an inexpensive garden frame so you can pop your plugs in there until they are ready to harden off, or even a warm windowsill will work.

Jumbo Plug Plants

We sell a full range of summer and winter flowering plugs. Summer flowering plugs are sold in the spring, despatched at the end of February to the end of April. Varieties include Busy Lizzies (Impatiens), Petunia, Begonia, Antirrhinum, Pansy and Lobelia. Most varieties will flower from May through to the first frost.

Winter flowering plugs, sold in the autumn, despatched mid-July to end of August - varieties include Wallflower, Primrose, Pansy, Viola, Sweet William, and Polyanthus. Most varieties will flower from the autumn through to the spring and will bring much-needed colour to your winter garden.

When your annual plug plants arrive

  • Keep trays indoors in a well-lit, draught free area for 24 hours.
  • If the compost is a little dry, stand the tray in shallow water. Or spray water lightly over the tray, and then place in a position where there is adequate airflow to dry the excess water from the leaves.
  • Once the compost is moist allow the tray to drain.
  • There may be some loose compost or a slight yellowing of the leaves which is a consequence of the plants being shipped.
  • This will not affect the condition of the mature plants.
Large Plug Plants

Growing on

  • Water 1-2 hours prior to planting on.
  • Gently remove the plugs from the tray by pushing up from the bottom using a pencil or something similar.
  • Transfer the plants into small pots or seed trays filled with good multi-purpose compost.
  • Water the plants well once, and then do not water again until the compost is nearly dry or the plants are wilting.
  • Place the plants in a warm well-lit area but out of direct sunlight.
  • Apply a liquid fertiliser after 2-3 weeks.
  • Grow on indoors for 4-6 weeks.
Large Plug Plants

Planting out

  • For Spring Bedding Plants, once the risk of frost has passed your bedding plants can be planted outside.
  • Harden off the plants prior to planting out, by placing the plants outside during the day and bringing in at night for 2 weeks.
  • Water plants 1-2 hours prior to planting out.
  • Once planted water the plants well.
  • To establish the growth of young plants, it is important that you water regularly especially during dry sunny spells and again in late evening.
  • If after planting out there is a risk of frost, cover the plants at night with an old sheet.
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